Big rivers and forrests



Environmental history or “eco-history” has been a distinctive research area in the world history science for almost half a century. On the other hand, the Croatian research teams dealing with specific historical topics from the eco-historical perspective have developed only recently. Every part of Croatia has distinctive natural characteristics that significantly define the human lives within them. North-east part of today Croatia, referred to as Slavonia in the new ages, is particularly defined by two natural phenomena: big rivers and vast forests. Big rivers such as Danube, Drava and Sava directly shaped the space of these historical regions, in addition to significantly influencing many aspects of its history (economic, military, cultural, history of everyday life etc). Large forests, centuries – old forests in Slavonia, have also played important role in the social life of Slavonia, its economy, demography, forms of social conflicts such as brigandage (hajdučija), and cultural self-perception of Slavonia etc.

Therefore it seems appropriate that the application of eco-historical paradigms and methodology when researching that part of Croatia should focus mainly on the topic of big rivers and forests. The most productive way to cover this broad and very heterogeneous problematic is to organize a series of science conferences.

As it will be more precisely explained in the following text, the project basically consists of organization of four science conferences and publication of their proceedings. Project realization will significantly improve: a) general level of research of history of Northeast Croatia; b) level of development of eco-historical research in Croatia; c) integration of history research of one part of Croatia into wider regional context.

Elaboration of general objective

General project objective is to inspire greater interest of humanist sciences, especially history, for natural determinants of social structures and processes, namely for dynamic correlation between nature and society in the history of Croatian territories. The aim is to display the impact of big rivers and vast forests not only on the economic and everyday life of people in their surroundings, but also on the creation and preservation of territorial and political structures that form the fundamental frame for national identities and histories.

Furthermore, project will cover the relatively neglected and unexplored sub-Danube component of the Croatian historical territory. Every subject within the project will be covered completely and within the wider context, attributing to the international character of the project.

When compared with the more developed European national historiographies, it is clear that the research of “eco-historical” subjects (historical subjects dealing with interactions of nature and human society) in Croatia is still in the initial phase.

Therefore, the aim of this project is, among others, to improve the position of “eco-history” in Croatian historiography and contribute to its further development and progress.

The subjects covered by this project are extremely interesting and appealing to researchers from Croatia and neighbouring countries. More than 60 of them already submitted initial application for the first in the series of meetings (“River Sava in History”).